Let me ask you something:
- Do you often take longer than necessary to complete a simple task?
- Do you daydream a lot, an occurrence that keeps you from working effectively?
- Do you wish the day had more than 24 hours so you could do more and be more?
If you can relate to these worries, I’d like to tell you something:
The core problem is not a lack of time or poor time management; the core issue is a lack of mindfulness.
We waste time, ignore essential tasks, succumb to our distractions, and give in to urges of immediate gratification. The reason for that is because we are not living in the present moment.
In contrast, nurturing mindfulness allows us to deny distractive thoughts and tasks a chance to steal our attention. This happens because of being connected to the present moment.
I shared earlier five fundamental steps that will help you become more mindful in your daily life. Today, we’ll talk about how being mindful boosts your productivity. I hope that by discussing this, it will motivate you to work towards habituating mindfulness:
#: Mindfulness improves your level of focus
Your persona or work productivity drops when you allow distractions to creep into your schedule.
If you get distracted too often, you won’t get anything meaningful done on time. It is normal to have some distractions in your routine life. That said, it’s important to fight off distractions so you can focus better on your essential tasks.
Research shows that being mindful helps improve your level of focus. This happens because it trains you to choose productive thoughts over distracting ones. You are also cognizant of how you think and act. This consciousness allows you to recognize a temptation as soon as it creeps into your mind. As a result, you can carefully discard it by reminding yourself of the importance of the task at hand. You will thus, in turn, move on to engaging in it consciously.
#: It helps you plan your day effectively
How your morning starts determines how much you can achieve by the end of the day. Unfortunately, many of us start our days in a rush to get ready as fast as possible. We are always running late and on the edge of missing something.
Throughout the day, we move in a haphazard manner that doesn’t help us complete any task.
This problem results from a lack of planning, which stems from not being mindful of your work, goals, or time.
Living in the present moment helps you realize the importance of completing important chores on time and moving systematically. This realization helps you plan your day. As a result, you are aware of your to-do lists and create a schedule in hand. You can therefore, complete your necessary chores successfully one after another.
Moreover, since you stop fretting about the future, you don’t overwhelm yourself with unnecessary tasks. This allows you to focus on doing important tasks in the present moment.
#: It helps you set the right priorities
The reason you may have a problem with being productive may stem from not analyzing tasks. You need to know WHY a task is important and urgent.
Your level of productivity directly correlates with where you direct your time and effort. If you invest your time and energy in meaningful, high priority tasks, you’ll be productive and vice versa.
For example, your sales will likely be low if you don’t dedicate time to marketing your business.
Having your priorities right is critical in boosting your level of productivity. The only way to get your priorities in a row is to be mindful of the present moment.
How is that so, you might wonder?
Well, being connected to the here and now allows you to determine the value of engaging in a task. When you understand that, you can discern between high and low priority tasks. This realization helps you figure out your high priority tasks and work on them first to yield better results.
#: It helps you sleep better
You cannot work energetically and attentively if all you did the previous night was toss and turn on the bed. If that has been your sleep pattern for many days, your productivity is probably very low.
Not getting sufficient sleep isn’t healthy. It’s one of the main reasons why many of us struggle with low productivity. You can solve this challenge by nurturing a mindful state of mind.
Initiating sleep and maintaining it is a struggle for most of us because we nurture a monkey state of mind. In this mental state, our minds keep jumping from one branch of thought to another.
Mindfulness helps you calm your money mind, focus on the moment, and relax your stressed nerves. When you feel calmer, you stop slipping into ruminative thinking, making it easier to fall asleep.
Naturally, when you feel well-rested, you also feel energetic and capable of working on your tasks with zeal and zest. Feeling energetic also helps you complete chores on time, which increases your efficiency and output.
#: Mindfulness helps unlock your creativity
Productivity is more than just doing the right thing at the right time. It is also about how you carry out a specific task. If you adopt conventional ways of doing things, you are likely to get the same, good, but not great results. If you want extraordinary results, you need to adopt creative and new approaches to work. This can only happen when you are mindful.
Mindfulness helps you:
- Slow down your racing mind
- Delve deeper into things
- Analyze an aspect from different angles
- Develop new and innovative approaches to execute tasks
- And handle challenges, and overcome obstacles
Having such a level of creativity helps you develop better and more efficient ways of doing things. This, as you can imagine, skyrockets your productivity.
To reap these benefits, you have to start being more mindful. Besides boosting your output, mindfulness also helps you handle work-related stress successfully.

In my book – How To Be Mindful Of Thoughts: Steps To Achieving Mindfulness And Living In The Moment (Buddha on the Inside Book 3), I discuss various other approaches you can use to increase mindfulness. Get your copy and see your productivity at work increase rapidly.
Written with beginners in mind, It will teach you:
- The basics of mindfulness, including what it really is, what it entails, how it works and more
- Why you need to nurture mindfulness
- How mindfulness and leadership coexist
- How to transform your life with different mindfulness techniques
- How to observe your thoughts, manage your emotions and feel good with mindfulness-based meditative techniques
- How to make mindfulness part of your everyday life to derive all its benefits
…And so much more!

Get your friends and family to practice mindfulness too with the widely acclaimed The Ultimate Inner Peace Affirmation Audio Series To Attain Nirvana!