Year: 2020

How Mastering Mindfulness Can Make You A Darling Of Your Boss (And Probably Get You A Promotion)

If you use them consistently, the amazing, inspiring mindfulness and productivity quotes we discussed in the last blog post should motivate you to put your best foot forward at work. Unfortunately, being mindful and effective at work is not always easy; it’s particularly challenging if you have a difficult boss. When habituated, mindfulness can help […]

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10 Powerful Mindfulness Quotes That Will Inspire You To Stay Focused And Productive In Your Workplace

In previous blog post in this series – How To Achieve Work-Life Balance Through Meditation and Mindfulness, we discussed how to prioritize your tasks and live in the moment. We also learnt how to block distractions so that you can be mindful of yourself and your tasks. This, as mentioned, helps you work towards a […]

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Emotional Mastery Blueprint: How to Control Your Emotions To Improve Your Social Skills And Master Your Thoughts And Emotions (Buddha on the Inside Book 4)

Do you wish to stop getting carried away by your emotions to a point where you make hasty and often regrettable decisions emotionally? Are you sick and tired of giving excuses, messing up otherwise good relationships, thanks to your continued inability to take charge of your emotions at different times? If you’ve answered YES, keep […]

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